Saturday, January 31, 2009

21st Century Skills

The website for the Partnership for 21st Century Skills is a site dedicated to the role of technology and its importance in 21st century education. I was quite impressed and also a little overwhelmed at how much attention the "Information Age" topic is getting.

I enjoyed the article " Learning Enviroments Must Break Through the Silos that Separate Learning from the Real World". The article talked about a balance between the traditional ways of learning with 21st century skills. It also spoke about connecting with other cultures, and the building of relationships in the real and virtual worlds. It also mentioned about how the actual physical structure of walls and furniture should be more adaptable along with the instuctional time. Instead of following the school designs of the industrial age, it is time to think of a 21st century learning enviroment. After reading this, I really started to imagine what my classroom and school could be like and what changes in achievement might occur.

I have to admit, after reading the articles on this website, I have been thinking a lot about the future of education and what changes need to be made. I was disappointed that my state was not listed as those that are taking the initiative to develop 21st Century skills in the classroom. I will have to integrate these skills on my own over time.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Mr. Y's Science Room

Here are some ideas I've been thinking about with blogging and my classroom. Maybe I can use this to show off the great things my students are learning.
  • My 5th graders are learning about matter. We did a great experiment with vinegar, baking soda and a sandwhich bag. The students were able to view a chemical change.
  • The 4th graders are learning about simple machines. The six simple machines are: lever, pulley, wedge, wheel and axle, screw and inclined plane.
  • The 3rd grade class has been learning about fossils, and actually creating their own fossils.
  • The 2nd graders are learning astronomy.
  • 1st graders are learning about light and sound.
  • Kindergarten has been learning about day and night.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

New to Blogging

Well, I hope this works. I am taking a class on technology for the classroom. I usually find technology quite interesting. However, this area is new to me and is a bit confusing. Hopefully my classmates can point me in the right direction.