Sunday, July 19, 2009

Application 3, Research Questions

After making some modifications, my problem statement will be the following: I plan to determine if technology use with third grade science students raises benchmark scores.

The research questions that I will address are as follows:
  1. What teacher centered technologies will be used with the science instruction?
  2. What student centered technologies will be used with the science instruction?
  3. What types of standard science instruction will be used?
  4. How will the benchmark data be collected and interpreted from use of technology tools vs. non technology tools?

I have decided that the mixed method, exploratory design will work best for the literature review. I feel that collecting the qualitative data first will help promote the quantitative data I am looking for in the benchmark scores. McMillan & Schumacher (2008), stated, "By using a qualitative component in the beginning, researchers are able to use the language and emphasis on different topics of the subjects in the wording of items for the survey".


McMillan, J., & Schumacher, S. (2008) Research in Education: Evidence-Based Inquiry (Laureate custom edition). Boston: Pearson.

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