Sunday, August 16, 2009

Evaluating Research Methods

Along with all of the great things I have learned with technology in the past year, educational research has been another surprise. My past experiences with research brings up memories of searching through a jungle of old books at the college library. Now, as stated by McMillan & Schumacher, 2008, p.3, "Powerful tools have been afforded us through the variety of technology and research methods that have been refined throughout the last half century." I was truly amazed at how I could access such an abundance of knowledge through the various websites.
In this assignment, I was given four scenarios and asked to identify the best type of research method that will provide an answer along with a rationale for that method.

Scenario 1: Ten students are available for in-depth interviews. Participants will be selected based on their involvement with the peer mediation program. They will be observed over three weeks. Analysis will attempt to determine issues concerning peer mediation.

For this scenario, I believe that the qualitative research method would work. In the study, interviews will be conducted with the students. "Qualitative research is first concerned with understanding social phenomena from participants' perspectives." (McMillan & Schumacher, p. 135) The scenario also mentions an observation for more than three weeks.

Scenario 2: Two classrooms of students are selected. There are 30 students in each class; each group will have similar demographics-age, sex, race, socio-economic background, etc. Classes will be randomly divided into two groups of 15 students. Of these two groups, one randomly selected group will get training on peer mediation and the other group will not. Thus in each classroom there will be one group that is trained in peer mediation and one that is not. Analysis will occur on which groups have the fewest office referrals.

For Scenario 2, I think that the quantitative method would work. The classes are randomly divided in two groups containing 15 students. Then, one selected group will receive training on peer mediation. McMillan & Schumacher, 2008, p. 23, stated that, "In an experimental design, the researcher manipulates what the subjects will experience."

Scenario 3: A school counselor is interested in knowing how student attitudes affect the value of peer mediation to decrease the number of office referrals that are being filed for inappropriate interactions.

Scenario 3 was tough to decide on. I believe that the action research method is appropriate because a school counselor wants to know how students attitudes affect the value of peer mediation. McMillan & Schumacher, 2008, p.174, state, "Action research is the process of using research principles to provide information that educational professionals use to improve aspects of day-to-day practice."

Scenario 4: Peer mediation has become widely used in many schools. The feelings of those involved in the process are little known-either from those doing the mediation or those receiving it. The ZASK-R Acceptance Preference Survey will be given as pre- and post-tests to 40 students participating in mediation. Follow-up interviews will be conducted on a bi-monthly basis.

Scenario 4 would be considered a mixed method. The pre- and post-tests that are given will use quantitative methods of gathering data, while the bi-monthly follow-up interviews provide qualitative data.

In conclusion, the process of educational research can be a complicated and challenging task. With new tools available to us, the research process should result in answers that will help build a better educational system.

McMillan, J., & Schumacher, S. (2008) Research in Education: Evidence-based inquiry (Laureate custom edition). Boston: Pearson.


  1. Frank,

    You make very interesting points as to what methods you believe apply to each scenario. I was pretty much right with you except on Scenario 3 - I also thought that was a mixed method, but after reading your rationale, I am probably wrong in my thinking.


  2. Frank,

    I thought this was a good exercise. I, too, had difficulty with scenario 3. I had several ideas but it came down to quantitative or action research. I had arguments for each method. It will be interesting to see what our classmate’s thoughts are on this scenario. Good job!

