Friday, June 5, 2009

Cooperative Learning

Another instructional strategy that can use technology is Cooperative Learning. The instructional strategy of cooperative learning focuses on having students interact with each other in groups in ways that enhance their learning (Pitler, H., Hubbell, E., Kuhn, M. & Malenoski, K., 2007). Students learn the value of teamwork and have a sense of camaraderie when working and communicating together. Students also learn from each other's strengths. Dr. Orey (Laureate, 2008) also pointed out, "Teaching others helps the learner develop a deeper understanding of the content".
Technology can play a unique and vital role in cooperative learning by facilitating group collaboration, providing structure for group tasks, and allowing members of groups to communicate even if they are not working face to face (Pitler, H., Hubble, E., Kuhn, M., & Malenoski, K. 2007). Examples of cooperative learning with technology could be the use of multimedia software to make movies that are connected with the curriculum. Students use web resources to connect with live expeditions. With the advancement of communication, students can work together on various projects from all parts of the globe. Being a Science Teacher, I was naturally drawn to one of the collaboration tools called NASA Quest Planetary Flight. This site has great science information including webcasts, classroom collaboration and chats. I look forward to further exploration of this site during the summer to prepare for the next school year.


  1. In one of our other discussions you mentioned about the restrictions that your schoo district places on social nteworking sites. I too battle this demon but I have seen some progress. We now have a procedure in place where we can petition for a site to be opened and available to our students. I think if you are organized with research in hand, you could convince your technology folks to do the same. I would hate for your students to miss out on the fantastic resources available for science just because of a firewall.

  2. It seems that you have been discovering some new and useful resources throughout this course. I am glad that you are learning about new opportunities to offer your students. They will definitely benefit from your exploration and ambition!

  3. Frank,
    I can see why you would be drawn to NASA's Quest Planetary Flight. NASA really has some amazing interactive learning on their web site. Our comuter lab teacher has NASA's website bookmarked on the computer lab web site, which is linked to our school's web site. She also uses their web site for a variety of lessons in the computer lab. I'm not familiar with the Planetary Flight, but I plan to check it out. Thanks for the recommendation.
