Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Monitoring My Game Plan, Got the Rug Pulled From Under Me!

This school year has been one that I will not forget. I started off the year with my large roomy science classroom only to be moved weeks later to a smaller room. Then I found out this month we were getting new carpet during the break, which meant packing up again. I am worried about what I will find Monday and how I will conduct my lessons.

I was told that a company down the street was interested in being a sponsor for our science department and wanted a wish list of things I needed. No word on that. Goal # 1 is still on hold, however I can still research the equipment I need for wish list #2.

Goal #2 of student reflections on blogs could still happen. I did talk to our technology team to get things started. The technology specialists are also getting carpet. I will also need the mobile laptop cart for my room.

I'm hoping that things will settle down at our school. One thing that I have learned this year, always expect the unexpected.

1 comment:

  1. Frank, Excellent title for this week entry. I suspect that "Murphy" must have been a teacher and that is why we all fall victim to the worst possible scenarios when they are least expected. If there is one thing we all need to be it is flexible. It seems to me that you are making steady progress towards your goal and that is what the GAME Plan is all about. It is a commitment to ourselves. We have identified this as something important and we are searching for the way to reach our goal. Think of it as a process at this point, not a product.
    Good Luck on Monday, you'll probably have to move furniture but think how nice it is going to look. A fresh start!

    Oh, you had asked about Twitter and networking with educators. After I set up my page, I just started to follow some people that I knew were into art and technology. I would look at who they followed and added those to my list. It is very quick and easy to have great tips just land on your screen each day. Try it!
