Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Evaluating My GAME Plan Progress

I am happy to say that the new carpet that was put in during the break, looks and smells great. With the help of a few students, the classroom looks much better.

My first goal of having students learn about their world with the use of digital tools is still on hold. We have heard nothing from the company that wants to help our school. Maybe Santa will bring some new science equipment to my classroom. Goal #2 of students using technology to reflect on lessons, can happen with new scheduling procedures for the laptop cart.

What I have learned so far, is that some things require a lot of patience, especially new technology. Right now, I do have three digital devices for science but not enough probes for other experiments. Perhaps this is the time to become experts at what we have already. I will continue to research equipment that could be used to help in our lessons.


  1. Frank,
    It sounds like you are experiencing some of the same technical issues as I am with my GAME plan. As you mentioned, it is important that we as educators show patience with the technology so as to teach our students that even though the technology has issues, it is a valuable resource they need to learn to use.

  2. Hello Frank,
    I'm glad everything worked out with the new carpet. I like your upbeat attitude regarding all the set backs. It is very frustrating not to have the technology needed to move forward with the 21st Century Learning Environment. Good things come to those who wait and maybe Santa will bring you good cheer. :).
    Good luck and I look forward to reading your PBL in our Learning community.

  3. Hey Frank, don't sound so down in the dumps about your goals. I mean you have your new magic carpet, who knows where it could take you and your students. Maybe you should modify your game plan temporarily to just include some very basic technology and data collecting tools. Giving your students the experience with the process of collecting information with basic tools and getting tutored in basic spreadsheet data input and analysis could put them at an advantage when the cool techno gizmos come through the door. Even if you went through the process by modeling it on one computer and projector and have different students in charge of entering different data, they could all feel involved and learn with each others support. Maybe they can collect information about the smell of the new carpet and research what possible chemical components are found in it. Just joking. But you may consider a much more simplified version of your goal so that you feel you are making some progress. Hope this helps!
