Thursday, December 17, 2009

Using the GAME Plan Process with Students

First, I have to apologize for being a day late with my Wednesday blog. I was unable to get an Internet connection on my computer. Hopefully, there will not be anymore problems.

Throughout this course, we were asked to make goals, set a course direction, correct what was not working, and learn from it. I have certainly had my ups and downs with the implementation of my technology goals within my classroom. We were able to take some small steps with the mobile laptop cart to help with science research. I plan to work closely with my technology team to speed up the process. I am a big fan of innovation and creativity in my science class. I am very excited about the idea of using digital storytelling with the student's science activities to enrich their learning.

1 comment:

  1. Frank, I believe that using the GAME Plan process with your students will become critical as you venture into projects like digital storytelling. If there is one thing I have learned as an art teacher it is that the creative process must have some structure to be successful. By using the GAME Plan with your students they begin with a vision of the end so they know what they are working towards. The action plan allows them to think through the processes and the monitoring opens up space for creative expansion. Finally letting them take the time to reflect on how they did will surely make the next project run smoother. I am exited to hear about your future adventures in this media. Sounds like you are motivated and feel like this is attainable. Good Luck.
